YAYY!! We are off to a great start for November... the first week of the month & I had a post scheduled and ready for Monday morning. #goals. Speaking of goals, my goal for this blog is that it becomes a place for you to grab a cup of coffee and pursue for some fashion inspo, and some life updates every Monday. Shall we make it a date then?!
To kick off the month I'm answering some of the questions y'all submitted!
shop the post:

exact plaid shirt , similar option (I have almost this exact version from a few years back) //
exact denim jeans // exact OTK boots (obsessed.)
exact purse (it's a dupe for the Chloe bag) //
Okay... so here it goes a long overdue & quick update:
How long have you been blogging?
I honestly cannot believe that come this Christmas day, it will be three years from when my now husband gifted my first ever "fancy" camera and a short book on how to start a blog. When I look back on that day, I think little did he know he was agreeing to be my "professional" photographer!
What are some of the struggles you experience blogging?
Girl, it is SO hard not to experience the struggles. In many ways, blogging has tested my confidence. There are times when I am SO excited about posting an outfit on Instagram or the blog, then the posts go live, and there's no traffic, or likes, etc. Blogging can be so frustrating, and the successes or busts (failures) can also feel a little personal. But my husband encouraged me to blog because I LOVE fashion and because friends and family members were and still are always asking for advice. That's why I blog because I love helping others find their inner style!
Additionally, some of the other struggles are more logistical things. For example, I am not very tech savvy or marketing background knowledge, so I have no hopes of better developing my Search Engine O (I think there's an O??) Also, B works full time & so do I, so naturally, we experience the struggle of time and availability even to shoot photos. Especially, because we love to visit with friends and family. Luckily everyone is so supportive and used to us snapping a few photos everywhere we go. Let me know if you want to see more of B on the blog in the future??!!
Favorite transitional piece for those who are no longer feelin' the love from their closet...
This is SO hard. I have a few. I picked both of these items because of their versatility.
- For starters, riding boots or over the knee boots are the perfect way to transition dresses, jeans, capris, etc. They instantly make a look feel more "fall"
- Also, I love to layer sweaters over dresses. This sweater is a current fav. It looks so chic styled with front tuck into a shorter skirt, tights & over the knee boots. Another way to style sweater is with jeans and booties for a day at the fair or apple orchard. Lastly, my favorite style is to layer it over a dress, giving both items a totally new and original look.
What is your perfect order from Starbucks?
I have three. Of course, I do. But the drinks go by season. Also not mentioned a recent new favorite if I'm looking to change up my routine is an Iced Chai Tea with soy (I have a dairy allergy, and I much prefer the sweet taste of soy compared to almond milk.)
- Summer: Iced Caramel Macchiato with soy milk
- Fall: Salted Caramel Mocha with soy
- Winter: Peppermint Mocha with soy-- boy, do I LOVE their holiday cups!
How did you meet your husband?
Ahhhh. One of my all-time favorite questions! We met... (drumroll, please).... on:
Match.com. YEP. We are those people. We met online while I was living an hour away from our current hometown and he was living in VA on a longterm work project. At the time, I was working at a different school, and my coworkers, who had met their husbands online encouraged me to give it ago. It wasn't how I had always imagined meeting my husband since it's not at all traditional. However; without online dating, I wouldn't have ever met B, and for that I am eternally grateful for. So, thank you match.com.
Did you actually go to the pumpkin patch for pumpkins or photos?
haha. We actually went to the pumpkin patch for both. In all the excitement of decorating out front porch, I forget to get a pumpkin to carve. So three days before Halloween I thought I would be lucky enough to find one; unfortunately, there weren't any that struck my fancy, but we did get some cute photos (all pictured above!) And also if you are wondering. B did surprise me and found the cutest pumpkin with the perfect stem so I could carve it. Did you see our competition on Instagram stories? If not, I'll post a picture below. I apologize now for the crappy quality of the picture. Not the carving.
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