Anyone else finding themselves on Amazon almost daily? In education, we often wonder why kids have less patience lately. Well, part of it may be that things in life are so instant. Now, you don't even need to leave your house to get paper towels, shampoo, or clothes. And it arrives in two days or less. Who wouldn't want all things to be like that?
There's been some recent talk that due to Amazon's two-day shipping, they are negatively affecting the environment. This is a direct result of sending shipments on vehicles, whether plane or truck, etc. that aren't full. This, in turn, means that while customers are getting products in two days, they have dramatically increased the amount of fuel needed to deliver these packages. Global activists are encouraging Amazon to make some changes. Some of these changes may be, offering customers financial savings if the customer chooses slower shipping or packing those boxes that arrive via slower shipping in a different color box to encourage others to do the same. I know I enjoy when I get the Amazon credit towards a kindle purchase or a video.

In today's outfit, I'm sharing an adorable skirt from Amazon, that I chose the preferred slower shipping. While there are still some things, I am guilty of ordering last minute and enjoying two-day shipping. I have made a promise to myself to start to take more advantage of the delayed shipment. One small step at a time, right?
Another thing Connecticut is doing to make a positive difference for the climate is eliminating plastic bags at the grocery stores, Target, Wall-Mart and other stores that offer plastic bags. For those of you living in CA and other progressive states, I know y'all have been doing this for a while, but at least now, the rest of the country is catching up! But on that same note, by 2020, CT will no longer be distributing plastic bags at grocery stores. Beginning next month, in attempts to support customers with the transition, they will be charging 10cents/bag and rewarding those who bring their reusable bags. It's time to invest in some cute reusable bags!
Amazingly, something such as choosing slower shipping or using a reusable bag can help make a difference for our planet. As in the Lion King, a wise King once said, "We are all connected in the greater circle of life."
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