3 tips for making the most of your summer ~ Roses and Rain Boots .

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

3 tips for making the most of your summer

exact tank // exact shorts // exact flip-flops // exact hat, similar option 
exact earrings // exact necklace // exact bracelet one & two // exact anklet

Oh sweet summertime, won't you stay a little longer? 

I have this thing where I'm always looking forward to things, and as a result, missing the moment or even wishing away the current moment(s). Every year my family takes a trip to OGT, Maine. All summer long, I anticipate this fun family vacay, at the same time realizing it's also a symbol of summer coming to an end. This year, I've tried to only look at one week at a time. I only make plans for the current week and focus on those events to bring me joy. So far, it has helped. It's soon to be the start of August and I feel like I've had a lovely summer.

I also decided to give myself a little grace. This year, I have not stuck to routines or commitments I was hoping too, such as writing blog posts every Monday, or reading a book a week. Instead of getting down on myself about not maintaining these goals, I've had to take time to look at my daily schedules and make some changes. I know I need to make time for these goals .

So without furthered, lets get to my tips for making the most of your summer!


exact tank // exact shorts // exact flip-flops // exact hat, similar option 

exact earrings // exact necklace // exact bracelet one & two // exact anklet

Tip #1 Take advantage of being outside. 
Living in New England, means the time you can be outside without a jacket, is minimal. Our winter's seems to get longer & longer every year. Which means by the time summer actually hits (spring is just like a "lighter" winter) I plan to take advantage. Even on the hottest of days, we got a major heatwave a few weekends ago. B and I still took the walk to the local movie theatre, rather than ride in the air conditioned car.

Tip #2 Find those good summer reads. 
I've gotten SO many requests for book recommendations lately. Unfortunately, I haven't really any that made go "wow, I loved that book." I've actually even abandoned a few books, which I rarely do. With that said, I am still determined to find those good summer reads. I did just pick up The Art of Racing in the Rain, because the movie is coming out at the end of summer and I definitely want to read the book before hand. The movie looks so sweet.

Tip #3 Plan small or big adventures. 
Whether it be going to Europe or the Caribbean, or exploring your local town. Take a day-trip to your local beach. Go to a summer concert series. No matter what the adventure, just do something! Our town offers a summer concert series on the beach and B is always insisting we go. We pack up our picnic basket with some treats and wine and venture down to the beach. This is a totally free event that is fun for the family or with a group of friends.

I hope you enjoyed these three quick tips I have for making the most of your summer! Be sure to submit a comment letting me know one of your tips for making the summer last.

xx, Lo



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