Shop today's spring inspired look:
Disclaimer: This shirt, although super cute & affordable, wrinkles super easily! I swear by ironing. I iron basically everything, including my jeans, so imagine my disappointment that it only took from the time I got dressed, to shooting these photos (which we walked to) and my shirt was already wrinkled! Which of course, I didn't notice until afterwards; this is what we would call a #bloggerfail.
It's like the curse of the seatbelt on your drive into work. Do you know what I mean? Every day I carefully select a professional look for the day, iron, get dressed and drive to work. Without fail the way the seat belt applies pressure to button down shirts it always creates a crease. One of my former co-workers would actually hang her dress shirts or dresses and change once she arrived to work, she totally got my OCD struggle. I love the way a freshly ironed outfit looks. For me, it completes the look. I don't iron because I have to or someone made me. I iron because it helps me mentally shift from wearing pajamas and relaxing to getting ready for work and productivity.
What do you do to avoid getting creases in your clothes?! What do you do to foster productivity while on the job?! Leave me a comment below, I LOVE hearing from you.
xx, Lo
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